Argentina is a member of the Inclusive Framework on BEPS under which it must collaborate on the implementation of the OECD/G20 BEPS Package.
On June 21, 2018, the OECD released two reports containing guidance for Tax Authorities on the approach to hard-to-value intangibles (Action 8) and the application of the transactional profit split method (Action 10):
On December 29, 2017 Law 27,430 introduced a comprehensive reform to the Argentine tax system (the “Tax Reform”). It amended the Liquid Fuels Tax, creating a new Carbon Dioxide Tax and replacing the tax base calculation for a fix amount tax updated according to the Consumer Price Index instead of ad valorem taxes.
Decree 501/2018 regulates the Carbon Dioxide and Liquid Fuels Tax:
Decree 501/2018 was published in the Official Gazette on June 1, 2018 and entered into force on June 2, 2018.
Excise Tax is a federal tax imposed on the sale of particular luxury products, such as cigarettes and certain beverages.
The Tax Reform establishes a minimum Excise Tax applicable to cigarettes -a fixed amount- which must be quarterly updated according to the Consumer Price Index.
Decree 506/2018 establishes that the update must be yearly performed in January, April, July and October. The updated amount will be effective as from the first day of the second month following such update.
Decree 506/2018 was published in the Official Gazette on June 5, 2018 and entered into force on June 6, 2018.
Law 19,640 sets a Promotional Framework for the province of Tierra del Fuego under which taxpayers who manufacture products in Tierra del Fuego could be eligible for federal tax exemptions, such as the Value Added Tax and the Income Tax.
Resolution 47/2018 allows local manufactures to include supplies originated outside the Special Customs Area, provided that local supplies are essential for the final product. Please note that the added value arising from the local manufacture of such products must be more than 50% of the value of the product. Therefore, Resolution 47/2018 increases the number of local producers who will access the Promotional Framework.
Resolution 47/2018, published in the Official Gazette on June 6, 2018, entered into force on June 7, 2018.
With the purpose of promoting the generation of employment, the province of Salta has enacted Law 8,086 establishing a promotional framework for private investments in the province, benefits for small and medium sized companies (“PYMES”, in Spanish) and promoting the local purchase of goods and services.
Law 8,086 entered into force on June 27, 2018.