Rocky Mountain /SEERIL de Cartagena



Juan Sonoda, Beretta Godoy’s partner, was invited as speaker in the session The Development of Environmental Right in Latin America that took place on April 22, Wednesday during the International Mining and Oil & Gas Law, Development and Investment conference in Cartagena, Colombia.

The panel moderators were Patricia Núñez (Partner of Núñez, Muñoz y Cía. Ltda. Lawyers, Chile), Eugene E. Smary (Partner of Warner Norcross & Judd LLP, United States) and the other guest orators were Patricio Leyton (Partner of FerradaNehme, Chile) and Eduardo Paseta (Legal Manager of Marcobre S.A.C., Perú).

In the panel, an analysis of a hypothetical mining project case and the legal and environmental problems related to it was made. Moreover, the orators provided a general overview of the regulating regimes in several jurisdictions of Latin America and an explanation of the evolution and the changes in environmental controls and regulations and the administrative processes related to the mining activity in the region.

The event, which took place from April 20 to 22nd in Cartagena, Colombia, was organized by Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, the Energy, Environment, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Section (SEERIL) of the International Bar Association and the Latin American Regional Forum.

Renowned lawyers specialized in natural resources and other professionals participated in this conference, in which a wide range of legal matters and matters related to the investments for lawyers, companies, governments and other actors involved in the international mining and the development of the oil and gas industries were dealt with.

Year: 2015
Organization: Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, la Sección de Energía, Medio, Ambiente, Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura (SEERIL) de la International Bar Association y el Foro Regional Latinoamericano (LARF).

• Patricia Núñez (Socia de Núñez, Muñoz y Cía. Ltda. Abogados, Chile)
• Eugene E. Smary (Socio de Warner Norcross & Judd LLP, Estados Unidos)
• Patricio Leyton (Socio de FerradaNehme, Chile)
• Eduardo Paseta (Gerente Legal de Marcobre S.A.C., Perú)
• Juan Sonoda (Beretta Godoy)

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